Psychiatric/Medication Services

Psychiatric/Medication Services focuses on evaluating the need for psychotropic medications for the treatment of mental health issues. Services may be provided by a physician/CNP/PA and are often used in combination with outpatient counseling services.

Prescriptive medicine may be part of an individual’s behavioral and mental health care. In fact, a large percentage of serious mental illness treatment involves medications that impact a person’s life.

What's Next?​

If you would like to consider psychiatric/medication

services, contact West River Mental Health. Our
providers specialize in mental health. Referrals and
inquiries are handled by our reception staff—they can be
reached by calling the office nearest you.

Medication Providers at West River Mental Health will not prescribe medical marijuana, nor will providers at West River Mental Health assist any client in obtaining a medical marijuana card. To date, medical marijuana has been legalized in South Dakota for non-psychiatric illnesses only (SDCL 34-20G-1), and research thus far has not found any consistent treatment value for psychiatric illnesses and indeed has shown numerous contra-indications for those suffering from mental illness.